
Terms & Condition

A. personal training

1. Payment Methods: We are committed to accommodating our clients' needs by accepting various payment methods, including cash, bank transfers, and PayPal. This flexibility ensures that the payment process is convenient and accessible for all our clients.
2. Advance Payment Requirement: All one-to-one personal training sessions must be paid for in advance. This policy is in place to secure your booking and guarantee your slot. Sessions will not commence until payment has been received, ensuring a fair and organized scheduling system.
3. 48 Hours Notice: Clients who are unable to attend a scheduled session must provide at least 48 hours' notice to receive a full refund within 2 working days. This allows us to manage our schedule effectively and offer the slot to other clients.
4. Less Than 12 Hours Notice: Cancellations made with less than 12 hours' notice will result in a 50% refund of the session cost. This accounts for the short notice and the reduced opportunity to fill the time slot.
5. Less Than 8 Hours Notice: Unfortunately, cancellations with less than 8 hours' notice will not be eligible for a refund due to the very limited opportunity to allocate the slot to another client.

B. packages

1. Payment Methods: We accept a variety of payment methods, including cash, credit/debit cards, bank transfers, and online payment platforms, to accommodate our clients' preferences.
2. Package Commitment:
Clients who purchase a package, whether it be our standard or premium offering, are committing to the completion of all sessions within that package. Our packages are thoughtfully designed to ensure clients gain the maximum benefit over the course of their training program.
3. Non-Refundable Packages: Our packages are sold as complete sets and are not subscription-based. Payment is required in full at the time of purchase. These packages are non-refundable after the first session has taken place, emphasizing the commitment between the client and trainer towards achieving the client's fitness goals.
4. Non-Cancellation Policy for Packages: Once a client has begun their package, by attending any number of sessions, they cannot cancel the remainder of the package and receive a refund for the unused sessions. This policy is in place for all our package offerings, including the standard 12-session package and any premium packages.
5. Rescheduling Sessions: We understand that schedules can change, and flexibility is important. Clients may reschedule their sessions to another time that suits them better, without incurring any cancellation fees. We request that clients provide as much notice as possible when rescheduling, to ensure availability and to allow us to accommodate other clients efficiently.
6. Adjustments and Modifications: Our aim is to support our clients throughout their fitness journey with us. If there are any concerns about completing a package, clients are encouraged to discuss these directly with us. We are open to making reasonable adjustments, such as modifying the focus of the remaining sessions or temporarily pausing the package due to medical or other significant life events, at our discretion.

c. program

1. Payment Methods: We accept a wide variety of payment methods, including bank transfers, to ensure that the process is as convenient as possible for our clients. This flexibility is aimed at accommodating the diverse preferences of our client base.
2. Program Adjustments: We understand that your needs and goals may change. We are committed to working with you to adjust your program as necessary.
3. Commitment to Success: Our plans are designed to support your ongoing fitness and wellness journey. We are dedicated to providing you with the resources, guidance, and motivation you need to achieve your goals. We ask for your commitment to the program and encourage open communication about your progress and any challenges you may face.

D. progect Zero to HEro

Standard Membership:

1.Payment: By subscribing to the Standard Membership of "Project Zero to Hero," you agree to pay the full amount for the 6-month duration of the program. The total amount is payable upfront upon or monthly registration.
2.No Cancellation: There is no option for cancellation of the Standard Membership once the subscription is confirmed. Failure to complete the full 6-month program will result in the obligation to pay the remaining balance.
3.Monthly Programs: As a Standard Member, you will receive new workout and nutrition programs every month for the duration of 6 months. These programs are tailored to your goals and lifestyle.
4.Availability: You will have access to monthly webinars for guidance and support. Additionally, you can contact us via email for any questions or concerns. Please note that there is no 24/7 availability for support.

Premium Membership:

By subscribing to the Premium Membership of "Project Zero to Hero," you agree to the specified monthly payment plan. Payment is due monthly, with the option to cancel or pause your membership at any time within the 6-month duration.
2.Complimentary Whey Protein: Upon registration, Premium Members will receive one complimentary supply of whey protein to assist in their fitness journey. This supply will cover the duration of the entire 6-month program.
3.Cancellation and Pause: Premium Members have the flexibility to pause or cancel their membership at any time within the 6-month duration without incurring any charges.
4.Access to Trainer: Premium Members have exclusive access to the trainer 24/7 for any questions, guidance, or support they may need throughout the program.
5.Monthly Personal Training Session: Each month, Premium Members will receive one complimentary personal training session lasting between 45-60 min with the trainer. These sessions are designed to provide personalized guidance and support to optimize your progress.
